For my photo journal, I chose to travel to Chicago, Illinois to be a part of the Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women’s Powwow event. This was held to offer support and comfort to those closely affected by victims they know or themselves are; reminding them that they are not alone. The goal is to create awareness on this national issue that never makes headlines. Under reported and under investigated, this is a crisis for Indigenous communities.
A headdress from one of the dancers.
A dance for prayer to those all suffering or who have suffered. You are not alone.
A red dress lanyard and skirt being raffled off to raise money for the REDress Project. The project highlights the epidemic of violence against Indigenous women. Each dress symbolizes an Indigenous women who has been murdered or is missing.
Young native dancers dancing for their fallen sisters.
The owner of the beginning headdress.
Kristin Welch the founder of the Waking Women Healing Institute, a nonprofit that serves people who are affected by the national epidemic.
Jeannie Hovland speaking about her fight and advocacy for all. She is an American government official.
Many came out to support MMIR. This was a powwow for the relatives. To dance it to pray, so all families together are in prayer healing each other and healing everyone around.
One of the drum groups, a group of young gentlemen.
Statistics for what Indigenous people face.
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