Pigeons of London

Two pigeons chilling on the sidewalk.
Two pigeons chilling on the sidewalk.

London is a city with so many pigeons you will see them every day and almost every hour that you are in the city. We may have pigeons in the United States, but they are not as courageous and brazen as their cousins in London. Here are pigeons in natural and not-so-natural situations.

A pigeon soaking in the sun while taking a stroll in Hyde Park.
A pigeon soaking in the sun while taking a stroll in Hyde Park.
Two pigeons chilling on the sidewalk.
Two pigeons chilling on the sidewalk.
Two pigeons on a column overlooking a market.
Two pigeons on a column overlooking a market.
A pigeon stalking around a cafeteria, looking for his next meal.
A pigeon stalked around a cafeteria, looking for his next meal.
A pigeon looking around to see what food is on the ground.
A pigeon looking around to see what food is on the ground.
A pigeon comes down to attack another pigeon while a different pigeon walks away.
A pigeon comes down to attack another pigeon while a different pigeon walks away.
A pigeon taking the tube.
A pigeon taking the tube.

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