Technology Saved Everyone’s Sanity in 2020

Ever since the invention of the portable telephone by Motorola in 1973, there has been a debate on whether handheld technology is beneficial to humanity or not. Now, in the year of COVID-19, that debate is pretty much over. There is no question that technology is a complete necessity for everyday life. Without the takeover of technology in today’s economy, it would have been harder for everyone to communicate with the outside world during 2020’s quarantine.

Currently, most people are wearing a mask, staying 6 feet apart, going to way too many Zoom meetings, and having a lot of virtual events in their calendar. The most an average college student has to do these days is wake up and open their laptop to arrive at school. With technology being such a standard matter, not many have realized how fortunate humanity was that this pandemic came about after there had been some major technological inventions.

The year was 2010; 3D was a brand-new concept, Steve Jobs introduced Apple’s very first iPad and the iPhone 4, Angry Birds was a newfound obsession, and video chatting was possible only on your computer with an external video camera. If this unending year would have taken place 10 years earlier, it would have been much more difficult for people to quickly find an online alternative while staying isolated at home. Without the technological advancement that has been made over the last decade, everyone’s day would have consisted of more than just physical isolation during quarantine.

In 2020, anyone can use their device to easily have facetoface conversations. If you have a question for your mom, you can just use your phone to FaceTime. In just a matter of seconds, a patient can be getting expert advice from a doctor. It doesn’t matter where someone is in the world, if there is a WiFi connection, anyone is reachable. When this pandemic hit, it wasn’t difficult for schools to adjust to online learning. Businesses were able to decide who could work remotely from home. Retail stores were able to develop an order online and pickup in-store options. Zoom and other online video chatting formats became understandably essential to almost every human. Social media became increasingly necessary during quarantine in order for friends and family to stay connected.

Technology saved a lot of people’s sanities during this year’s lockdown. Staying home for months on end without being able to communicate with the outside world would have not been the ideal situation for most. It was because of the progress made on technology in the past years that society was able to conform easily to a new lifestyle.

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